关于Python2.x和3.x带来的print不换行的问题:昨天有发过推文,利用end = 定义,解决了横向的小问题,但是由于屏幕显示的问题,若字符串长度过大,则会引起不便。两个或多个print做分割的情况下,如何保持依然横向输出,一般的是在print尾部加上逗号(,)但是在3.x下,则不行,需要使用end = "(something)",some signs like , . ; 'also you can put a word or str in"".
############################################ end1 = "j" end2 = "u" end3 = "s" end4 = "t" end5 = "t" end6 = "e" end7 = "s" end8 = "t" print(end1 + end2 + end3 + end4,end = " ") print(end5 + end6 + end7 + end8) ############################################ Explain: You can see that i put space between"" There will be something in your screen: just test All the codes was run in python 3.2,if you write the codes in pythons 2.x,like python2.7, ################################################## end1 = "j" end2 = "u" end3 = "s" end4 = "t" end5 = "t" end6 = "e" end7 = "s" end8 = "t" print(end1 + end2 + end3 + end4,) print(end5 + end6 + end7 + end8) ################################################# that's all,in python 2.x so the differences is: 3.2 end = " " 2.7 ,