import random while 1: s=int(random.randint(1,3)) print(s) print() if s==1: ind="stone" elif s==2: ind="scissors" elif s==3: ind="paper" m=input('Please input your option,if you input the end, this game will be end. ') blist=['stone','scissors','paper'] if (m not in blist) and (m!='end'): print('your input is wrong and please input the right option again or end the game: ') elif (m not in blist) and (m=='end'): print('the game is ending now...') break elif m==ind: print('draw') elif (m=='stone' and ind=='scissors') or (m=='paper' and ind=='stone') or (m=='scissors' and ind=='paper'): print('you win this game') elif (m=='stone' and ind=='paper') or (m=='paper' and ind=='scissors') or (m=='scissors' and ind=='stone'): print( 'you loss this game')