vs2008 安装失败的总结与分享

先装系统,接着装0ffice2007,接着装ms sqlserver 2005,再装adobe cs4 master套装,一路setup,很是顺利,好就差vs2008了,它一装好,我就可以赚钱了。可结果安装出错的报错,报错的文档如下:

[01/13/10,18:55:42] setup.exe: [2] ISetupComponent::Pre/Post/Install() failed in ISetupManager::InternalInstallManager() with HRESULT -2147023293.
[01/13/10,18:55:43] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Web 创作组件 is not installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:43] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:43] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:43] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office system (3.0 版运行库) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:43] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Runtime was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:43] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Runtime 语言包 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:43] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office system (3.0 版运行库)语言包 - CHS was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 设计工具 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 For Devices was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Pocket PC was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Smartphone was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0 版 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Tools (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 标头和库(x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Win32 Tools (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:44] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 .NET Framework Tools (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:45] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 SDK 引用程序集和 IntelliSense (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:45] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 性能收集工具(x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:45] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:45] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 语言包 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,18:55:45] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL 发布向导 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:11] setup.exe: [2] ISetupComponent::Pre/Post/Install() failed in ISetupManager::InternalInstallManager() with HRESULT -2147023293.
[01/13/10,19:09:12] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Web 创作组件 is not installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:12] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:12] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:12] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office system (3.0 版运行库) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:12] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Runtime was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:12] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Runtime 语言包 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:12] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office system (3.0 版运行库)语言包 - CHS was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 设计工具 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 For Devices was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Pocket PC was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Smartphone was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0 版 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Tools (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 标头和库(x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Win32 Tools (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:13] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 .NET Framework Tools (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:14] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 SDK 引用程序集和 IntelliSense (x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:14] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 性能收集工具(x86) was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:14] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:14] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 语言包 was not attempted to be installed.
[01/13/10,19:09:14] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft SQL 发布向导 was not attempted to be installed.

我就开始看我indows系统的日志,没有任何红色提示,但我始终不相信我的安装文档有问题,因为同事他们也是用的这个版本(vs 2008 team),我更不相信电脑中毒(我很少中毒,够自信了:)),于是去网上查,结果答案有以下说法: 1、 .NET Framework 的版本问题,要什么M$提供的官方工具.NET Framework Setup Cleanup Utility (我里面已有1.0,2.0,3.5都有了) 2、安装office 2007后把MSOCache删除了(我这人洁癖这些个诸如临时文件肯定会删除的,这个我是有删除过。) 3、C:\Program Files\权限问题(我是用的超级用户,这个问题先排除。) 对于第一种说法我是打算试的,可下载太慢。就跳过去了;对于第二种解决方法网上有三种说法:1、把office2007卸载掉。2、把office2007重安装一遍;这两种都试了无效。第三种凑效了,那我就重点说说第3种吧; 我最后成功安装的方法详细如下: 1、把vs2008镜像文件下的\WCU\WebDesignerCore\WebDesignerCore.EXE 手动解压到一个地方(注意解压出来的文件夹里面有个Office.zh-cn)。 2、找一个office2007光盘或光盘镜像,找到Office.zh-cn文件夹,把该文件夹复制,然后覆盖到上一步解压中的Office.zh-cn中。 3、在第一步解压出来的文件中有个setup.exe,双击运行,好像是安装vs web 开发什么注意,只要能安装就行了。 4、上一步安装完后再运vs2008的setup.exe. 我的是这样安装完的。 后来我想了一下我以前为什么没出现这种问题,估计是我之前安装的顺序不一样(以前是先安装vs2005,vs2008,mssqlserver2005,office2007.adobe)

到此这篇关于vs2008 安装失败的总结与分享就介绍到这了。昨日渐多,明日愈少,今日还在,不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。人生道路上充满了坎坷,谁也不可能一帆风顺。只有在最困难的时刻,才能体会到无助的含义。更多相关vs2008 安装失败的总结与分享内容请查看相关栏目,小编编辑不易,再次感谢大家的支持!