打开织梦/include/extend.func.php 最后加上以下代码:
001 //列表页获取网友热搜 24小时 002 function GetHotSearch($tid){ 003 global $dsql; 004 $time = time() - 86400; 005 $sql = "select * from dede_archives where typeid = '$tid' and shorttitle <> '' group by shorttitle order by pubdate desc limit 10"; 006 $dsql->Execute('me',$sql); 007 $li = ''; 008 while($arr = $dsql->GetArray('me')) 009 { 010 if($arr['pubdate'] >$time ){ 011 $class = 'new'; 012 }else{ 013 $class = ''; 014 } 015 $barr = GetOneArchive($arr['id']); 016 $arcurl = $barr['arcurl']; 017 $li .= '<li><span class="right"><time class="'.$class.'">'.date('Y-m-d',$arr['pubdate']).'</time></span><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="go.php?url='.$arcurl.'" title="'.$arr["shorttitle'].'">'.$arr['shorttitle'].'</a></li>'; 018 } 019 return $li; 020 } 021 //排行榜获取网友热搜 3天 022 function hot_3_GetHotSearch($tid){ 023 global $dsql; 024 $time = time() - 86400; 025 $sql = "select * from dede_archives where pubdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( CURDATE( ) - INTERVAL 3 day) and typeid = '$tid' and shorttitle <> '' group by shorttitle order by click desc limit 10"; 026 $dsql->Execute('me',$sql); 027 $li = ''; 028 while($arr = $dsql->GetArray('me')) 029 { 030 if($arr['pubdate'] >$time ){ 031 $class = 'new'; 032 }else{ 033 $class = ''; 034 } 035 $barr = GetOneArchive($arr['id']); 036 $arcurl = $barr['arcurl']; 037 $li .= '<li><span class="right"><time class="'.$class.'">'.date('Y-m-d',$arr['pubdate']).'</time></span><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="go.php?url='.$arcurl.'" title="'.$arr["shorttitle'].'">'.$arr['shorttitle'].'</a></li>'; 038 } 039 return $li; 040 } 041 //排行榜获取网友热搜 7天 042 function hot_7_GetHotSearch($tid){ 043 global $dsql; 044 $time = time() - 86400; 045 $sql = "select * from dede_archives where pubdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( CURDATE( ) - INTERVAL 7 day) and typeid = '$tid' and shorttitle <> '' group by shorttitle order by click desc limit 10"; 046 $dsql->Execute('me',$sql); 047 $li = ''; 048 while($arr = $dsql->GetArray('me')) 049 { 050 if($arr['pubdate'] >$time ){ 051 $class = 'new'; 052 }else{ 053 $class = ''; 054 } 055 $barr = GetOneArchive($arr['id']); 056 $arcurl = $barr['arcurl']; 057 $li .= '<li><span class="right"><time class="'.$class.'">'.date('Y-m-d',$arr['pubdate']).'</time></span><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="go.php?url='.$arcurl.'" title="'.$arr["shorttitle'].'">'.$arr['shorttitle'].'</a></li>'; 058 } 059 return $li; 060 } 061 //排行榜获取网友热搜 30天 062 function hot_30_GetHotSearch($tid){ 063 global $dsql; 064 $time = time() - 86400; 065 $sql = "select * from dede_archives where pubdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( CURDATE( ) - INTERVAL 30 day) and typeid = '$tid' and shorttitle <> '' group by shorttitle order by click desc limit 10"; 066 $dsql->Execute('me',$sql); 067 $li = ''; 068 while($arr = $dsql->GetArray('me')) 069 { 070 if($arr['pubdate'] >$time ){ 071 $class = 'new'; 072 }else{ 073 $class = ''; 074 } 075 $barr = GetOneArchive($arr['id']); 076 $arcurl = $barr['arcurl']; 077 $li .= '<li><span class="right"><time class="'.$class.'">'.date('Y-m-d',$arr['pubdate']).'</time></span><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="go.php?url='.$arcurl.'" title="'.$arr["shorttitle'].'">'.$arr['shorttitle'].'</a></li>'; 078 } 079 return $li; 080 } 081 //列表页获取栏目关注 30天 14条 082 function hotword_30_GetHotSearch($tid){ 083 global $dsql; 084 $time = time() - 86400; 085 $sql = "select * from dede_archives where pubdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( CURDATE( ) - INTERVAL 90 day) and typeid = '$tid' and shorttitle <> '' group by shorttitle order by click desc limit 14"; 086 $dsql->Execute('me',$sql); 087 $li = ''; 088 while($arr = $dsql->GetArray('me')) 089 { 090 if($arr['pubdate'] >$time ){ 091 $class = 'new'; 092 }else{ 093 $class = ''; 094 } 095 $barr = GetOneArchive($arr['id']); 096 $arcurl = $barr['arcurl']; 097 $li .= '<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="go.php?url='.$arcurl.'" title="'.$arr["shorttitle'].'">'.$arr['shorttitle'].'</a>'; 098 } 099 return $li; 100 }
1 {dede:field.id function=GetHotSearch(@me)/}